
    Water Audit

    Ardent Certifications / Water Audit

    What is Water Audit?

    A water audit is the method of quantifying all the flows of water in a system to understand its usage, reduce losses and improve water conservation. It can be performed on a large scale for a city or a state as well on a smaller scale for irrigation projects, industries, and buildings. Water audits trace water use from its point of entry into the facility/system to its discharge into the sewer/river/canal etc.


    Benefits of Water Audit

    • Water audit improves the knowledge and documentation of the distribution system,
    • Identifies the problem and risk areas and a better understanding of what is happening to the water after it leaves the source point.
    • Leads to reduced water losses,
    • Improved financial performance,
    • Improved reliability of supply system
    • Efficient use of existing supplies
    • Better safeguard to public health and property and reduced legal liability,
    • Reduced disruption, thereby improving level of service to customers.
    • Large potential cost savings that can be achieved by water harvesting, through the recycling of water and the use of rain water.