
    Information technology

    Ardent Certifications / Information technology

    ISO Certification of Information Technology sector

    The quality is very important. It contributes to the performance of the information systems. Today most companies developing software products focus on quantity and not quality. This thing gives rise to a series of problems of the information systems used in companies or in state institutions. Usually, if an important error is not discovered during testing phase, the major risk is to be reproduced when the project is already implemented in production,


    bringing about substantial losses for the company or the institution the system belongs to, because “the continued growth in the use of information technologies for business purposes makes business organizations increasingly dependent on their information systems. On the other hand, the use of the mechanisms, methods, and models pertaining to the Information Technology (IT) Governance, Information Technology (IT) security, Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) fields or the use of the information systems, in the lack of some standards applied to the initial development, may lead to a “real failure” at the end of the project. That is why the use of ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 standards in the Information Technology (IT), regardless of the field in which the system is developed is absolutely necessary in order to obtain, in the end, a quality product. Standards create concepts and use them to simplify, organize, manage and make the delivery process more efficient by reducing costs and increasing scope and quality.

    An ISO Standards like ISO 9001 (Quality Management System), ISO 27001 (Information Security Management System) have been using in information technology sector for many years to improve the system process of IT sectors. Information is a valuable asset in any organization, whether it’s printed or written on paper, stored electronically or sent by mail or electronic means. It helps the management system to increase work efficiency and protect their confidential information and assets of the organization. The ISO standards also address issues such as the strategic importance of Planning and Risk, regulatory compliance, vital for success, which are addressed in the standard.

    The information technology sector is of vital importance to everything we do today. IT organizations must ensure the efficiency of service delivery and customer satisfaction in order to fend off competition in an ever growing and advancing marketplace. If the organization achieves ISO certification (i.e. ISO 9001, ISO 27001 etc.) that means the organization is effectively managing the threats and risks to the organization’s information, and also highlight their strong system process, compliance requirement, market value, etc. the organization can only survive by committing to quality.

    Ardent’s Management System schemes Information technology sectors ensures that the certified organization has undertaken a risk assessment and has identified and implemented controls appropriate to the information security needs of the business and the interested of consumer is suitably protected. Besides, training and other certifications are important role of Ardent in this sector.