

    Halal is an Arabic word means allowed or permitted by Islamic Law, as prescribed in the Qur’an (the Muslim scripture)

    O mankind eat what is Halal (lawful) and Tayyib (good, clean, wholesome, pure, etc.) on earth and do not follow the footsteps of Satan, truly he is an open adversary to you” (Surah Al Baqarah 2:168)

    In relation to food, meat products, cosmetics, personal care products, pharmaceuticals, food ingredients, and food


    contact materials. Halal means products that are allowed to be consumed or used by humans according to Shariah (Islamic Law).

    When used in relation to products in any form whatsoever it means that it is permitted and fit for consumption by Muslims and Haram means that is not permitted and fit for consumption by Muslims.

     Halal in terms of food means that food must be:

    1. Animals that are allowed and been slaughtered according to Islamic Law, not killed by strangulation or killed by wild animals.
    2. Food, be it animal, vegetable, fruit or grain must be Tayyib (healthy) and does not contain any substance that is considered impure (alcohol) in Islamic Law.
    3. Does not stem from or consists any part or item from animals that are forbidden (pig, carrion, having claws, talons or fangs, etc.) to Muslims by Islamic Law.
    4. Food when prepared, processed, manufactured, packaged, stored or transported does not come in contact with or stored near any food that is forbidden and contain impurities as defined by Islamic Law.
    5. Food that is prepared processed or manufactured using equipment or utensils that are free from impurities as defined by Islamic Law.

    What is Halal Certification?

    Halal Certification means the entire process of including audit, inspection, testing and evaluation to establish that an article, product, service, manufacturing or process is in conformity with the Halal Standard, resulting in issuance of a Halal Certificate; HALAL CERTIFICATION assures that products or services are manufactured, packaged and delivered on the basis of Sharia rules and regulation.

    How Does It Work?

    A company interested in obtaining Halal certification through ardent needs to complete a prescribed application form requesting Halal supervision and certification furnishing relevant details. Main steps leading to Halal certification of a facility by ardent as follow:

    Expression of interest from company to obtain Halal certification and ARDENT’s consent.

    To provide a list of all the products produced by it.

    To provide a complete list of all the raw materials, ingredients, and processes used in the production of all/ each of the products produced at their plant/ facility.

    Identification of products and facilities that the company wants to get Halal certified.

    The formal proposal from ARDENT covering scope and terms for undertaking certification.

    Signing of an agreement by the company with ARDENT as a token of acceptance of terms for the Halal certification and provision of full information and access to ARDENT for initial and subsequent audit(s)/ inspection(s) of facilities for physical assessments.

    Initial screening, audit & evaluation of the information by ARDENT and relevant clarifications.

    Physical inspection and audit of the facilities by ARDENT through prior appointment.

    Issuance of Halal certificate by ARDENT for one year or more and authorization for use of its logo on labels of certified Halal products during the currency of the certification.

    Establishment and documentation of the Halal Assurance System (HAS) at the production facility / plant by the company in consultation with ARDENT. The process includes appointment of an internal Halal auditor/ coordinator and a team to implement an ongoing Halal Assurance System.

    Submission of six monthly (biannual) report of Halal Assurance System Implemented by the company to ARDENT during currency of the Halal Certificate.

    The Scope of Our Halal Certification

    The process of Halal Certification and its issuance under ARDENT is performed by experienced Sharia Scholars, experts, and qualified researched team. Companies that are Halal Certified by ARDENT can conduct and expand its business with full confidence that the process by which they are making products and ingredients which are being used are 100% Halal.  We provide Halal Certification, Halal Audit & Inspection, Halal Monitoring services to total food and non-food industry including:



    Example of Sectors
    Farming 1 (Animals) Animals; fish; egg production; milk production; beekeeping; fishing; hunting; trapping
    Farming 2 (plants) Farming 2 (plants) Fruits, vegetables; cereals; spices; horticultural products
    Processing 1 (Perishable animal products) Including all activities after farming, e.g. Slaughtering meat, poultry, eggs, diary and fish products
    Processing 2 (Perishable vegetable products) Fresh fruits and fresh juices; preserved fruits; fresh vegetables; preserved vegetables
    Processing 3 (Products with long shelf life at ambient temperature) Canned products; biscuits; snacks; oil; drinking water; beverages; pasta; flour; sugar; salt
    Feed production Animal feed; fish feed
    Catering Hotels; restaurants
    Services Water supply; cleaning; sewage; waste disposal; development of product, process and equipment; veterinary services